Do you believe your value is dependent upon your productivity? I sure have!
Sometimes I feel I’m not doing enough in my life, which can get me feeling low. You know like that ” I don’t have enough to show for myself” stuff
But then I reazlied I forgot to value the entire process.
The pausing, breathing, meditating, connecting, allowing discomfort and uncertainty, tending to thoughts and emotions, checking in with my heart… and taking the next tiny step <—— This stuff counts!
Sometimes those thoughts of ” I have more time, so I should be doing and producing more” crop in. I really dislike the “shoulds” in my thoughts and self-talk to myself.
I can notice these thoughts, all the shoulds… and let them pass. That takes practice. It’s called Mindfulness.
When I believe my value depends on how many outcomes I produce and the validation I receive… where does this leave me?
Well, not with a greater sense of who I am for sure.
Isn’t that kinda important?
Nothing has been more powerful or liberating in my life than shifting out of the inner chaos so I can hear my heart, and follow it. So I can trust myself.
Sometimes the process can seem stupid simple. But it does take commitment, and consistency…
Can you give yourself about 30 seconds, a handful of times during the day to do this? I have learned then when I do I am set to go. To speak more loving thoughts to myself and about myself.
It has taken me years to get here and how I wish I had the mindfulness tool when I was younger raising my kids. But that is then and this is now. And really, my kids tell me I did an amazing job as a mom. Even given all the stress, there was in my then abusive marriage. My kids were my saving grace. They still are. And now I am more thankful than ever we all turned out pretty darn okay.
Mindfulness…I now teach them as adults. To quite our minds. To be more kind to ourselves. To be more calm and peaceful inside and then that shows up on the outside. It’s an amazing practice!
Loves, ~Annette